

Committed to supporting Research, Innovation
and Training

LCL has active research, development and innovation programmes working closely with colleagues in both Universities in Liverpool and in the commercial sector.

From the work our clinical service laboratories undertake, new and existing research opportunities are formulated and developed. Given the wide geographical spread of LCL there are opportunities for research in primary and secondary care as well as engaging with the research focus of the Universities.

We are leaders in research into cellular and molecular changes in Eye Tumours, Lung Cancer and Pancreatic cancers.

Motivated Biomedical scientists and Pathologists are encouraged to develop their careers through involvement in collaborative research projects and the development of novel diagnostic approaches based on molecular genetic techniques.

We also have a collaborative partnership with Bruker UK to work closely on developments using the Biotype Maldi-ToF system and hold approval from the Institute of Biomedical sciences as a Training Laboratory.

If you require further information, or would like to talk to someone please Contact Us.